Social tipping points

This cross-faculty collaboration uses a complexity theory lens to bring together leading experts from diverse fields, such as sociology, psychology, economics, environmental science, and computer science, to explore the mechanisms and dynamics of social tipping points. We aim to leverage these critical junctures to address pressing global challenges, including the protein transition, energy transition, and lifestyle-related diseases. We will foster sustainable and transformative change by understanding and influencing the social and environmental factors that drive individual and collective behavior. This project/theme is set to launch on January 1, 2025.

Research Focus and Methodology

The Theme will develop innovative modeling approaches that integrate agent-based models (ABMs) and dynamical systems models with group model building (GMB) techniques and causal loop diagrams. ABMs allow us to simulate complex social systems that capture and integrate the heterogeneity and nonlinearity of human behavior. At the same time, GMB engages stakeholders in the modeling process to ensure relevance and validity. This combination enables a comprehensive understanding of how small changes can lead to significant societal shifts and helps identify leverage points for effective interventions. Our models will provide actionable insights for policymakers and industry leaders by incorporating real-world data and stakeholder insights.

Key Projects and Impact

One of our flagship projects, “Planting Change: Leveraging Social Tipping Points for the Protein Transition in the Netherlands,” exemplifies our approach. This project aims to accelerate the adoption of plant-based diets by identifying and triggering social tipping points. We explore how different advocacy styles, communication strategies, and signal sources can influence dietary behaviors through detailed simulation models, policy recommendations, and empirical testing. Our interdisciplinary methodology combines behavioral science, social network analysis, and computational modeling to predict and promote shifts in consumer behavior, contributing to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to responsible consumption, climate action, and health.

Building an International Coalition

The Social Tipping Point Theme seeks to build an international coalition of researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to foster sustainable societal transitions. By collaborating with external stakeholders, including local governments, businesses, and community organizations, we aim to tailor and test interventions in diverse settings. Our outreach efforts include public lectures, workshops, and open-access publications to engage a broader audience and promote the practical application of our research. Through this initiative, we aspire to become and connect to other leading global centers for understanding and leveraging social tipping points, driving impactful change worldwide.

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